Name: Dr. Maria Tsitskari

Διαγνωστικές επεμβάσεις

• Αγγειογραφίες
• Φλεβογραφίες

Διαδερμικές βιοψίες καθοδηγούμενες από αξονικό τομογράφο ή υπέρηχο:

• Μαστού
• Ήπατος
• Νεφρού
• Πνεύμονος
• Θυρεοειδούς

Απεικονιστικά καθοδηγούμενες διαδερμικές παροχετεύσεις:

• Συλλογών κοιλίας
• Συλλογών μαλακών μορίων
• Πλευριτικών συλλογών-εμπυήματος
• Διαδερμική χολοκυστοστομία
• Διαδερμική παροχέτευση χοληφόρων

Διαδερμικές επεμβάσεις σε αγγεία:

• Αγγειοπλαστική αρτηριών (κάτω άκρων, νεφρικών αρτηριών, καρωτίδων)
• Διαδερμικός καυτηριασμός φλεβικών κιρσών
• Αποκατάσταση κοιλιακών ανευρυσμάτων
• Διαδερμική θεραπεία αιμορραγιών, ψευδανευρυσμάτων, ανευρυσμάτων

Ογκολογικές επεμβάσεις:

• Θερμοκαυτηριασμός όγκων
• Χημειοεμβολισμός ήπατος

Τοποθέτηση φλεβικών καθετήρων για χημειοθεραπεία:

• PICC line

Επεμβάσεις ουροποιητικού:

• Διαδερμικές νεφροστομίες
• Διαδερμική ουρητηροπλαστική-Stent ουρητήρα

Επεμβάσεις σε αιμοκαθαιρόμενους ασθενείς

• Αγγειογραφία μοσχεύματος-fistula αιμοκάθαρσης
• Αποθρόμβωση μοσχεύματος-fistula αιμοκάθαρσης
• Αγγειοπλαστική μοσχεύματος-fistula αιμοκάθαρσης
• Τοποθέτηση προσωρινού καθετήρα αιμοκάθαρσης
• Τοποθέτηση μόνιμου (με υποδόριο τούνελ) καθετήρα αιμοκάθαρσης

Specialty: Medical Oncology Consultant
Telephone: +35722100945
Other Telephones: +35799457262
Fax: +35722100947
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Medical School:
Semmelweis University Of Medicine

Specialty training in the UK.
Poole Hospital, Royal Marsden Hospital, The Royal Bournemouth Hospital
MSc in Medical Oncology, Newcastle


Nicosia General Hospital, Cyprus

Clinical Research Fellow in Medical Oncology

Member of the European Society Of Medical Oncology (ESMO)
Member of the American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Member of the Oncology Multi-Disciplinary Teams
Member of Cyprus Medical Association
Member of Cyprus Oncology Society
Member of the Oncology Department at YGIA Polyclinic Private Hospital

Academic Interests:
Lung, Breast, Gastro-intestinal, Renal Cancers, Sarcomas and Melanomas.


Professional Highlights:
Involvement International Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials.
Development of Acute Oncology Service.
Development of End of Treatment Assessment-Oncology follow up and Assessment Guidelines.
Development of Oncology-Triage Guidelines.
Peer Review member of the European Medical Journal of Oncology.
Co - Developer of Electronic Prescribing System of Oncology
Co-author of the Medical Oncology Handbook for RBCH.
Development of Oncology e-learning modules.
Development of Patient Educational Neutropenic Sepsis DVD.
Training of Nurses & Doctors in Oncology, (Dorset Cancer Network, Royal Marsden Hospital).


Dunlop, M. G., S. E. Dobbins, et al. (2012). "Common variation near CDKN1A, POLD3 and SHROOM2 influences colorectal cancer risk." Nat Genet 44(7): 770-776.
G.Astras,Hickish.T ,L.Purandare Diagnosis and managemnet of Isolated Pituitary Metastasis from adenocarcinoma of uknown origin presenting as losss of libido. July 2012
G.Astras ,L.Purandare-Use of Avastin in cutaneous metastatic breast cancer July 2012
Geldart, T. and G. Astras (2011). "Isolated CNS relapse in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive esophagogastric cancer: effective treatment with trastuzumab after failure of surgery and radiotherapy." J Clin Oncol 29(23): e664-665.
Hickish, T., G. Astras, et al. (2009). "Glucose intolerance during adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer." J Natl Cancer Inst 101(7): 537.
An epidemiological assessement of the lifestyle Factors which may be associated with the development of Barretts oesophagus-CARBO study- Dr David Kerr,Dr T.Hickish,Dr.G.Astras,Dr.J.Ainley Jan 2007



Name: Dr. George Astras

Oncology means bulk, mass, or tumor, and is the branch of medicine that deals with cancer. A medical doctor who practices oncology is an oncologist.
Oncology is concerned with:

  • The diagnosis of any cancer in a person
  • Therapy (e.g. surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other modalities)
  • Follow-up of cancer patients after successful treatment
  • Palliative care of patients with terminal malignancies
  • Ethical questions surrounding cancer care
  • Screening efforts:
    • of populations, or
    • of the relatives of patients (in types of cancer that are thought to have a hereditary basis, such as breast cancer)

Dr Astras and his team offer the following Services:

  • Acute Oncology Services and 24 hour support
  • Chemotherapy Services
  • Pain management Services (with Palliative care /Pain team support)
  • Outpatient/Homecare Services
  • Second opinion Services and Expert Multidisciplinary Tumor Board reviews.
  • Links to international Cancer Centres of Excellence

Dr George Astras and his team treat and offer professional opinions about all types of Cancer but has special research interest in Lung Cancers,Sarcomas,Breast and Gastro-intestinal cancers.

He continues to maintain strong links with the U.K Oncology community and he participated in numerous Phase II and Phase III clinical trials and visits the U.K for work and research.

He runs outpatient clinics at The American Medical Center/American Heart Institute ,the Apollonion Private Hospital as well as his private office in Nicosia.Also every Thursday and Friday he supervises chemotherapy treatments and Consults patients in Limassol and Pafos.

His private practise offices are:

1 Paleologou Street, 2023, Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus.
St. George & Bluecross Private Hospitals, Pafos, Cyprus (The Doctor is with us every Friday only)

Office telephone:+357-22-100945
Office Fax:+357-22-100947
Other telephone: +35799457262




Doctor : Dr. Andreas Demetriou - view web site

Doctor: Dr. Elias Papadopoulos

Cardiology is the branch of medicine pertaining to the heart and the vascular system of the human body.



Clinical Offerings

1. Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases

2. Management of cardiological emergencies in the ICU.

3. Modern non-invasive equipment for thorough investigation and prompt diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases

a- Resting ECG

b- Exercise test on the treadmill

c- Echocardiogram (2D-Colour-Doppler)

d- 24 hrs ECG Monitoring

e- 24hrs Blood Pressure Monitoring


  • X-Ray

X-ray is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Are especially useful in the detection of pathology of the skeletal system (bones), but are also useful for detecting some disease processes in soft tissue. Some notable examples are the very common chest X-ray, which can be used to identify lung diseases such as pneumonia, lung cancer or pulmonary edema, and the abdominal X-ray, which can detect ileus (blockage of the intestine), free air (from visceral perforations) and free fluid (in ascites).



  • Ultrasonography

Medical sonography (ultrasonography) is an ultrasound-based diagnostic imaging technique used to visualize muscles and internal organs, their size, structures and possible pathologies or lesions. Obstetric sonography is commonly used during pregnancy and is widely recognized by the public. There are a plethora of diagnostic and therapeutic applications practiced in medicine.

  • Panoramic X-Ray

The panoramic X-ray is an important part of a thorough dental examination. The panoramic X-ray gives a broad overview of the entire mouth. This X-ray supplies information about the teeth, upper and lower jawbone, sinuses, and other hard and soft tissues of the head and neck.



  • Computed Tomography (CT-Scan)

A CT scan — also called CT or computed tomography — is an X-ray technique that produces images of your body that visualize internal structures in cross section rather than the overlapping images typically produced by conventional X-ray exams.
Top of the range CT Scan is installed at Blue Cross operated by highly qualified radiologist.


  • Mammography

Mammography is the process of using low-dose X-rays to examine the human breast. It is used to look for different types of tumors and cysts. Mammography has been proven to reduce mortality from breast cancer. No other imaging technique has been shown to reduce risk. Mammography of older women is encouraged as a screening method to diagnose early breast cancer.



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